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Rachael @ Moosubi ^__^

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Bittersweet and Magical: A Review of Tides by Betsy Cornwell

Tides - Betsy Cornwell

Soon-to-be college student Noah Gallagher expects a boring summer with his sister and grandmother and working a marine biology internship. Then he meets Mara, who’s beautiful, mysterious and shares a chemistry like never before, only to find out she’s a selkie like those in his grandmother’s tales. Soon, Noah embarks on a quest to save Mara’s kidnapped selkie sister.

TIDES isn’t the most exciting or quick-paced book, but it’s definitely a beautifully written novel. The language flows extremely well and has a mellow, peaceful sort of feel that’s both pleasant sounding and intriguing. The world Cornwell creates is especially beautiful, making you feel as if you can actually feel and see the island and ocean! However, because of this the plot moves more slowly, focusing more on building the world and sweet romance. In fact, Noah actually doesn’t start investigating the kidnapping until after over half of the book. I was also a bit disappointed to see not as much focus on Lo’s bulimia, as it was resolved pretty easily.

Still, TIDES is a very well-written story, complete with a heartbreaking and bittersweet ending. Cornwell's world and language is beautifully crafted, and definitely an author to watch out for! Younger fantasy readers or fans of selkie lore definitely should check this book out.


* I received a free copy of this book for review purposes. This did not affect my opinion of the book.